(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be
helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.l Intended use. The steel armor covered by this specification is military
unique. The armor is intended for use on combat vehicles, where resistance to
ball and armor piercing types of ammunition and multiple hit capability are
required. The term "plate" as used throughout the specification refers to either
plate or sheet depending upon the thickness of the material.
Ordering data.
Acquisition documents should specify the following:
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Nominal thickness of steel armor plate and sheet (see 1.1).
c. Issue of DoDISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the
specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.2.1 and 2.3).
d. When first article sample is required (see 3.l).
e. If local or general heating is permitted (see 3.2.4.l).
f. If weld repairing is permitted (see 3.2.4.l.2).
g. Dimensional (see, flatness (see, and waviness
(see requirements.
h. Heat treatment of each lot, chemical composition of the steel armor
material, method of sulfide shape control, hardness results for each plate, and
impact results for each lot (see 3.2.9).
i. Name of inspection agency when inspection should be performed by other
than the contractor (see 4.l).
j. If first article testing is required (see
k. If first article ballistic testing is to be waived (see
l. If ballistic test plates are separately heat treated from the
production plates, it represents (see 4.3.1).
m. Bend test sampling if different (see
n. If ballistic acceptance sample should be other than in
o. Where ballistic testing is to be conducted (see 4.6.4).
p. The reduced testing plan when applicable (see 4.6.5).
q. If rejection and retesting differs from and
r. Packaging requirements (see 5.1).
s. If rejection of first article test plates differ from A.
t. If rejection of the lot differs from A.
6.2.1 Armor material test reports. When this specification or specification
requirements are used in an acquisition and data are required to be delivered,
the data requirements identified in 3.2.10 should be developed and delivered in
accordance with the approved Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), incorporated
into the contract. The data specified should be delivered by the Contractor in
accordance with the contract or purchase order requirements.
6.3 Fabrication. The armor plate covered by this specification is subject to
fabrication involving cutting, drilling, forming and welding. It is intended
that selection and control of chemical composition, cleanliness, and plate
processing will be such that the armor will be suitable for fabrication under
procedures and controls such as specified in MIL-HDBK-1941, Metal-Arc Welding of
Homogeneous Armor.
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